5&6/108 of What Will Be


On the path of 108 days of yoga, 3/4 of the way through a sabbatical year in Spain and the weekend.  What do these things have in common?  The ability to slowdown and truly savor the glory of living.

I will post my weekends on one day so that I don’t have to interrupt the spontaneity that comes with venturing out to discover more of Northern Spain and locations that do not have wifi. Where are those places? The glorious cathedrals of Vitoria, the beautiful beaches and waves of Sopelana, lively streets of Puerto Viejo in Getxo and the camino of Santiago from France to Galicia.  This places is a walking meditation.  Health and wellness are the benefits of spending time here and absorbing the sights and flavors of the area.

Yesterday my husband and I enjoyed a morning of watching our boys play rugby in a tourney in Vitoria, Spain.  As the games finished we realized we had an afternoon, 5 hours actually, of nothing planned.  Our boys, being exhausted from a morning of activity, begged to return home with their team.  As we waved them off and walked in to the old city   the realization of being on our own onan impromptu date brought huge grins to our faces.  The day was filled with strolling through the mural clad streets, stopping in at pintxo bars for a bite and a drink, and really savoring the hand holding and company of each others time.  There was no need for deep conversation or trying to figure out the schedule for the upcoming weeks and months.  Instead, the silence we shared in each others company, the pleasure of just being, was a gift.  It was the “living your yoga” practice that I so take to heart and where I find spiritual and emotional strength.

My asana practice this weekend included this video that I really liked if you just have 20minutes…….http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyP_d7EdOY4